January 11, 2011

Environmental Defender's Office NSW (EDO)

The Environmental Defender's Office Ltd, (EDO), is a not-for-profit community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental law. We help individuals and community groups who are working to protect the natural and built environment.
The EDO is part of a national network of centres that help to protect the environment through law in their States.
The EDO has an active program of casework, scientific assessment and advice, education and law reform. In addition, we provide free initial legal advice to the community.
The EDO's mission is to promote the public interest and improve environmental outcomes through the informed use of the law. 

A link to the EDO website has been added to the Links page (see right side bar).

1 comment:

Bookkeeper Melbourne said...

Everyone should be aware of our environment cause in the end we are all affected.