Email courtesy Bylong Mining
Date: 19 January 2011 10:22:36 AM
Subject: Leichhardt Resources - PEL468 - Bylong - Drilling to commence shortly (gas)
We have recently become aware that Leichhardt Resources holds a Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL), PED 468, that covers almost the entirety of the Bylong Valley, stretching to Murrumbo in the east and down to Olinda in the south.
We understand that exploratory drilling has either already commenced or will commence in the next few weeks in the Murrumbo area. I have written to Leichhardt Resources asking for further information about their exploration plans.
Please find attached a page from the Leichhardt Resources Information Pack, directly relevant to Bylong. I have marked in myself the approximate location of Bylong on the map shown. (The full
information pack, with some more information on Leichhardt, is available at: . . . )
Note that the western boundary of the Leichhardt PEL adjoins the eastern boundary of PELs owned by Macquarie Energy, i.e. the whole Bylong area and more (stretching back toward Mudgee) is subject to potential gas exploration activity. (Indeed, Macquarie Energyʼs PEL 456 covers Munghorn, and further west to a large area around Gulgong.)
So, if youʼre thinking that coal seam gas is an issue that belongs in someone elseʼs backyard, think again. Itʼs here with us today.
Mid-Western Community Action Network (MWCAN) will be showing the multi-award winning documentary “GasLand” at the Mudgee Club, 5 Lovejoy Street, Mudgee this coming Monday at 6.30pm. Admission is $10. I urge you to make the time to see it.
Best regards,
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Craig Shaw
Interim Secretary
Bylong Valley Protection Alliance
P: 0411 101988

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