A Queensland-based company has announced plans to conduct exploratory drilling for coal seam gas near Bylong.
Leichhart Resources holds a licence for gas exploration (PEL 468) covering an area of 1736 square kilomentres, stretching from Bylong and Murrumbo in the north to Olinda in the south.
Leichhardt has described Bylong – along with its other exploration areas in NSW – as “prospective for coal bed methane of a commercially significant scale”, adding they “appear amenable to cost effective exploration and appraisal”.
The move to explore for coal seam gas comes on top of existing exploration licenses for coal, diamonds, rubies and sapphires.
“It feels like we’re being hit with everything at once,” said Bylong Valley Protection Alliance (BVPA) interim president Jodie Nancarrow.
“It’s like there’s a mining millionaires party happening in our backyard - and we’re certainly not invited.”
Ms Nancarrow said immediately to the west of the Leichhardt PEL, were PELs owned by Macquarie Energy Pty Ltd.
“PEL 456 covers an area that stretches from Gulgong in the west through Munghorn to Coggan, while PEL 460 takes in large amounts of land to the north and south of Kandos and Rylstone,” she said.
“All of these areas are potentially targets for gas exploration in the future.”
The Mid-Western Community Action Network (MWCAN) group secretary Rob Binks said the news showed coal seam gas was no longer an issue only affected “someone else’s backyard”.
“Instead, we find we’re potentially right in the thick of it,” she said
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