February 25, 2010

Running Stream coal mine plan ‘reckless’, say greens

Greens MP Lee Rhiannon has called on the State Government to revoke Centennial Coal’s approval to extend its exploration licence around Running Street and Mt Vincent.

Read more ...

February 19, 2010

Council calls for water, traffic studies on Cobbora

Mid-Western Regional Council has called on the Department of Planning to include studies on the impact of the proposed Cobbora coal mine on water, traffic, air quality and the community in its assessment of the project.

To view article click here.

February 17, 2010

No New Coal

A great turn out for the RSWUA meeting last Friday (Feb 12) in the Running Stream hall. Our guest speaker Tim Duddy said he was inspired by the event and he certainly inspired us too with the story of his battle against BHP and Shenua on the Liverpool Plains.

As with our concerns at Running Stream, water is at the heart of the issue there. It must be protected against the greed of big business and governments that are not acting in the national interest.

We learned that we already have enough coal for the next 400 years without opening any more mines. And with only $1.47 going to the state government from every $100 extracted by these companies, one has to question the logic behind backing such destructive mining practices.

Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon is lending us her support. Check out these links for more info on coal mines and water:

February 16, 2010

Running Stream ready to fight

"Running Stream residents are preparing to fight an application from Centennial Coal to extend its exploration licence around Running Stream and nearby Mt Vincent." says the Mudgee Guardian today.

To view article click here.

Mining Lease no. ML 125 (Running Stream)

Details of an environmental impact analysis entitled "Mining, rehabilitation and environmental management plan : Mining Lease no. ML 125 (Running Stream) / prepared by Paul Fazey of CSR Building Materials" can be found here.

February 13, 2010

Talk by Tim Duddy at the AGM 2009

Tim gave an absorbing and inspiring talk on the activities of the Caroona Coal Action Group who are concerned that mining will damage the aquifers, the life blood of the food and fibre production, on the Liverpool Plains.
For more information go to: http://www.ccag.org.au

February 6, 2010

Council seeks meeting on trains

Mid-Western Regional Council’s planning and development committee has recommended Council seek a meeting with Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) to express its concern about the lack of infrastructure proposed on the railway line from Cobbora Mine through Gulgong, Mudgee and Rylstone.

Click here for full article.

February 4, 2010

Fight in the trenches

Robyn Murray writing in the Mudgee Guardian of 03 Febl, 2010 says Cr Russell Holden has called on the Mid-Western Regional Council and community to “fight in the trenches” to ensure that coal trains from the proposed Cobbora Mine cause the least possible disruption to residents and traffic.

Click here for full article.

COAL: Mudgee's future

Diane Simmonds writing in the Mudgee Guardian of 24 Jul, 2006 says Coal is one of the most important, burgeoning industries in the Mudgee region with the existing Ulan Coal, Wilpinjong and Charbon mines as well as proposed mines for Moolarben, Bylong, Running Stream and Airly.

Click here for full article.

February 3, 2010


Centennial have recently applied to extend exploration licences onto lands from Ilford to Round Swamp.
Even exploratory drilling can result in the dissappearance of springs. The larger threat of new open cut mines in the region is now on the cards.
With the rapid expansion in demand for export coal, there are plans to extend existing mines in the area and to establish new ones. This is of great concern because there are many examples of coal mining impacting adversely on water supplies. In the case of mining below aquifers such as that which exists at Mt Vincent, the geological strata is disturbed and the result is often like pulling a bath plug - the water supply is drained and the springs and bores dry up.
We understand and appreciate the role that coal mining has played in the development of our community but any mining that threatens, damages or depletes the underground water supplies in this region must not be permitted to proceed. There is too much at risk. Our springs are an ongoing valuable water resource for generations to come. They must not be destroyed for short-term gain.
You are invited to join us to protect our underground water supply, our land and our livelihoods on Friday 12th February 7pm at Running Stream Hall.