January 2, 2011

Comment on Mudgee Guardian article re Cobbora project

Posted by SPARKS, 31/12/2010 on Mudgee Guardian site.
We currently dig up 4 times the Coal we can use ourselves and they want to expand that amount by another 129%.

Could it be that with the pissy $330mil that the NSW Gov. sold of its Coal reserves for in and around the power stations they have lost control of Coal supplies that feed Electricity Generation - bloody genius'. They are now in panic mode so a MAD UNPLANNED COAL RUSH has been created with us at the ugly end. How do you artificially depress the price of domestic coal - DOH!! CREATE AN OVERSUPPLY OF COAL!!!

How do you sweeten the sale of your publicly owned power stations - CREATE AN OVERSUPPLY OF COAL. How do you ensure Coal production is always more than our export ports capacity so there is a captured supply that can't escape overseas, which will also sweeten the sale of the power stations, CREATE AN OVERSUPPLY OF COAL. It's easy! just get the DPI to rule off some lines on a map & sell the leases (farms) off. How do you flood the market with Coal as quickly as possible - go on a fire sale of leases in and around alluvial land river systems where the Coal is quickest to get at. Bugger those selfish pesky locals - throw them off their land and take whatever you want

Posted by SPARKS, 31/12/2010 2:15:20 PM, on Mudgee Guardian

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