January 30, 2011

Underground Mine Cracks Drain Water from Dam!!!

Subject:     "contaminated water from the mine will sooner or later reach the reservoir"
 Date:     30 January 2011 12:48:54 PM

As you can tell from the writer’s Comments – many will join this fight.  Please make sure news of this litany of poor decisions and reckless approvals reaches your email lists.

Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 8:43 AM
Subject: RE: Woronora Dam - Underground Mine Cracks Drain Water from Dam!!!

You recall that photo of the ruptured creek bed as convincing evidence of coal mining damaging creeks and the comment that despite this the govt approved extending the mine under the reservoir into which the creek fed (well, used to) .... well that's the stream, the mine and the reservoir. There is now the added probability that contaminated water from the mine will sooner or later reach the reservoir ......
Both government and mine operator must be held accountable for such recklessness. Obviously this has far wider implications than just fighting the coal mine, but its a fight I and I am sure many others would gladly join.

Sent: Sunday, 30 January 2011 7:55 AM
Subject: Woronora Dam - Underground Mine Cracks Drain Water from Dam!!!

And have a look at the second of the two links – THEY KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN AND WENT AHEAD ANYWAY BECAUSE OF THE JOBS.    Note also the influence of the miners lobbyists.  Peabody pressured the Government a great deal by the look of the stories.

From warning to actuality.    Unfortunately – the next article WON’T be about accountability – where the decision makers go to jail for negligence.    I think when you ignore warnings, you know that the dam will drain, so much so that you arrange for tunnels to be blocked in case of emergency ingress of water, and you sell the public a story about “world’s best practice” and “best endeavours” so they will trade their water trustingly for jobs – then you are negligent as a Community Representative.   This is what it looks like Christine Keneally did.

Can you believe it – Peabody convinced her to let them mine under a critical dam!!!   They would have whipped out the good old vocabulary – jobs, Community Partnerships (to divide the Community), world’s best practice, negligible and minimal risk, acceptable damage, best endeavours, we will pump money into the economy, and you won’t even see where we have been when we leave (code for we will have on-sold by then and good luck getting money out of the last man in because he will be broke).     We are just about script writers now I reckon – seeing how these things go together.   I think I missed “political donation”

I hope our Community is taking digital snapshots of the pathway our decision makers take as they lead us towards the risking of our water – just in case one day environmental law strengthens enough for negligence to be a criminal offence at the level of “decision maker”.

The first part of the journey has begun – they have scientific warning.  Now watch the pathway we follow.   Links below.

A controversial underground mine blamed for draining 30 billion litres of water from one of Sydney's biggest dams 

Rivers SOS - SMH July 23 2009 new mine could crack dam floor

1 comment:

plumbing said...

Excess water in basements and crawl spaces causes mildew and mold which can contribute to the destruction of wooden joists that hold the house. Moreover, water trapped in roadways can cause failure of roadways as well.