February 11, 2011


Please find attached a scanned copy of the presentation made to us yesterday by Cascade Coal on the Mt Penny Project.
Email me if you would like to receive a copy of the presentation.

The Committee felt the meeting was worthwhile and productive.

In terms of key points to note at this stage:

-          They will have a website up and running “within a week”, with “more information than you could ever want”. As soon as we have the details and know it’s “live”, we’ll send you the link
-          Cascade apologised for the delay in beginning community consultation. They have said people are welcome to contact them with questions (I think they can expect a few calls!)
-          From the BVPA point of view, there are a couple of concerns – which we’ve raised and will continue to discuss:
o   Water: The operations will require 1,500ML of water a year. Cascade say they have all the necessary entitlements in place, from the property acquisition options they already have in place (key properties in the Exploration Licence area + one other acquisition of a neighbouring property, just outside the EL). We want to have a closer look at the water issue, obviously – especially given our call for a detailed water study to be carried out prior to any development.
o   Noise + Dust Baseline Measurements: We will be writing to Cascade, asking that baseline monitoring be extended to a site in the Bylong Village, and – ideally – to a couple of other points on the Bylong side of Mt Penny. We will keep you posted as to how we get on with this request.
-          Director General’s Requirements (DGRs) for the project are still to be issued. Cascade expect these “by the end of the month”, and hopefully even by the end of the coming week. As soon as we know they’ve been issued, we will chase a copy and make it available.

All the best,

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Craig Shaw
Interim Secretary
Bylong Valley Protection Alliance

  (0411) 101988



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