February 18, 2011

HEADS UP! Sydney 'City & Country Unite' Rally on Coal & Gas - Sun 20 Feb!

Email from CVA Inc

If you would like to attend this rally please contact Rado Marjanac in regard to a seat on the bus. Email; rado@marjanacdesign.com.au

Hi Coal affected Communities - please feel free to distribute to other lists and individuals

This is just a heads up that a big rally in Sydney is being organised by and for communities across NSW to protest against the coal seam gas industry as well as the unsustainable expansion of the coal industry at the expense of farmland, water, our environment and community.

Theme: City and Country United (against the rapidly expanding unsustainable coal & coal seam gas industry) - NB: This is to be refined!
Date: Sunday, 20 March at midday.
Location: Sydney CBD, probably Hyde Park - to march past Macquarie St and do a loop back to Hyde Park. Speakers. Also to hear from politicians as to what their commitment will be. They'll be invited next week.

This rally is being organised by a group of committed individuals and community groups, from Sydney to the Southern Highlands to the Liverpool Plains.

The idea is for communities everywhere to be represented in big numbers at this rally and also for Sydneysiders to come out in force to show their support for an increasing number of communities fighting these fights all across NSW.

I floated that this rally was happening during the first leg of my "True Cost of Mining" tour in the Upper Hunter this week and groups such as wine growers and farmers are already organising busloads down.

Materials, flyers, posters, email, facebook event, etc all to come next week - BUT LOCK IN THE DATE & ORGANISE THE BUSES!!

Thanks everyone, have a good weekend. And stay tuned.


PS - This is not a Greens event, I am just doing a bit to help make it happen, along with others. This is driven by the community, for the community. More info to come later.

Cate Faehrmann
Member of the Legislative Council
The Greens NSW
NSW Parliament House
Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000
ph + 61 2 9230 2320 / f + 61 2 9230 2420
Twitter: @greencate
Facebook: catefaehrmann
Blog: catefaehrmann.org

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