April 18, 2012

Locals Concerned as Drilling Commences on Mountain

Exploratory drilling has now begun on Mount Vincent and fears are that damage will be done to our irreplaceable aquifer.

One extremely concerned local and RSWUA member, affected by the constant noise which begins at 7.30am and continues all day, 6 days a week, went to check out the ‘Macquarie Drilling’ for CC drill rig.                                         

The gate to the drill site was open and she was able to walk right in and take some photos. One of the drill team came over, was friendly and tried to answer some of her questions, telling her the chemicals that she saw on site were all biodegradable ‘muds’. 

Having viewed the photographs we are concerned that the quantity and type of chemicals being used in the drilling process may pollute the aquifer waters, especially since some are different to those on the list presented to the Community Consultation Committee just two weeks earlier (see list below). The Committee has written to Centennial Coal asking them to explain why they did not inform the CCC about the additional chemicals. We are also investigating the various chemicals to check for possible health implications as many locals drink the water directly from the springs on the mountain and have never experienced any problems.

Since the visit, proper OH&S controls have been put in place on the drill site with a lock on the gate and ‘NO ENTRY’ signs up around the fence.

But there is a bigger issue being raised by the current drilling on the mountain and that is of compensation. While there is some compensation for those who have a drill hole on their property, there is no compensation for neighbours, whose normally quiet lifestyles are affected by the constant noise levels which will continue for months.  Furthermore,  how could Centennial ever compensate for the possible loss and pollution of water of our pristine spring water?

List of drilling muds presented to the CCC on 22 March 2012
•EP Bit Lube
•Pool-grade Chlorine
•Soda Ash
•XAN Bore
•Well Clean

Other chemicals noted on the drill site
AMC Universal
Aus-cet Xtra
Water Conditioner
Aus plug
Gypset 15

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