Call for independent water study before any Bylong developments
The Bylong Valley Protection Alliance (BVPA) has today written to the State Minister for Planning, Tony Kelly and the State Minister for Water, Phillip Costa, requesting a comprehensive water study be completed for the Upper Goulburn River Catchment before any further decisions regarding mining and the Bylong Valley are taken.
“Without such a study, we’re flying blind,” said Craig Shaw, the BVPA’s Interim Secretary.
The Upper Goulburn River Catchment has seen substantial mining development in the Ulan, Moolarben and Wilpinjong areas, with further expansion in the pipeline, with these developments already interacting with groundwater systems.
“That this activity is currently taking place in the absence of a detailed understanding of ground and surface water sources and connectivity is concerning enough,: Mr Shaw said, “but the thought that significant development in the Greater Bylong Valley Area could be contemplated without a detailed understanding of the region’s hydrology simply beggars belief.”
The NSW Government has made a commitment to meet the objectives of the National Water Initiative and the National Water Commission (NWC) has clearly stated that, in order to meet these objectives, governments need to adopt a precautionary approach to developments.
“We’re saying we need an independent, catchment-wide study, funded by the Government, in order for proper planning to take place. No decisions on Mt Penny or other projects should be taken until we know what the hell we’re doing.
“Water is too precious a resource to stuff up.”
The BVPA has asked the Ministers to respond by the end of the month, and to accept a delegation to meet with both them and relevant departmental representatives “as a matter of priorty”.
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