Dr W.M.Castleden MS, FRCS, FRACS Retired Vascular Surgeon (Past Chairman Doctors for the Environment, Australia.) and other colleagues have made a submission to the Chairman, Environmental Protection Agency in WA which addresses the health threats of coal mining, many of which are unavoidable.
Extracts from the submission include:
"There are specific health effects of coal mining. Of all the resources to mine coal is probably the most treacherous. Each step of the coal life cycle: mining, transportation, washing, as well as combustion, and disposing of post-combustion wastes, have impacts human health."
"Coal mining radically changes the lifestyle, character and inhabitants of all communities."
The Appendix to the submission shows:
"This photograph is of the bed of Waratah Rivulet north of Wollongong. This used to be the main stream that fed the Woronora Dam, an important water source for Sydney.
The stream no longer flows - at least most of the time it doesn't. The bed of the stream has been ruptured and water disappears down the cracks. Why? Because of longwall coal mining beneath the stream.
Many streams in NSW suffer the same fate."
To view or download the full submission click here.
Posted for President
This is exactly why we all need to be aware, It is hard to understand why the NSW Government,through Planing, NSW Office of Water, DECC do not see that they have a duty of care to the people.
In years to come it will be interesting to see if the Politicians will be held accountable for their decisions, just like Hardy Bros.
I think we should not pursue more coal mining activities because of the dangers associated from it. The more coal mining activities there are, the more dangerous it is to our environment and health.
pilot ignition
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