Public loses all faith with planning process
SMH September 21, 2010
COMMUNITIES across NSW are so frustrated and cynical about the planning system they doubt it is worth the effort of even engaging with it, according to a report funded by the Department of Planning.
It says a principal Planning Act objective of encouraging ''public involvement and participation'' in the process has steadily eroded, leaving communities angry with consultation they often feel is simply tokenism.
''The community generally feels disconnected with the planning process, deeply cynical about whether it is worthwhile to engage, and extremely frustrated about the current system,'' is the main conclusion of the report, Reconnecting The Community With The Planning System.
Jeff Angel, of the Total Environment Centre, said the department agreed to fund the study on improving the system after he raised concerns about ''a pervasive disenchantment'' with planning processes.
Mr Angel commissioned the Environmental Defenders Office to hold public forums up and down the coast and to conduct surveys to identify the problem and recommend changes.
The chief executive of the office, Jeff Smith, said when he took up his job eight years ago NSW planning laws were the ''best in the country and the world because they took seriously the balance between community, business and the government''.
But the study confirmed that had changed dramatically with changes to the planning law, known as Part 3A, under which the minister approves projects deemed of state significance, including marinas, livestock plants, tourism developments and apartments and office blocks worth more than $100 million, with no right of appeal.
''The government pretty much did an about face with Part 3A,'' Mr Smith said. ''You had a community trained up believing they had rights to participate and they were taken away.''
His report found an ''extremely high degree of dissatisfaction with community consultation opportunities under Part 3A'' and recommended minimum, non-discretionary consultation requirements be included in the act.
Even where there was consultation, people complained that governments and devejlopers often just went through the motions.
One participant in a Ballina forum said: ''There is often the sense, well, if we've come and told you something then we've consulted with you. But there is never the sense that consulting actually means we are going to listen to what you are saying and then make any changes based on what you've told us.''
While Part 3A attracted much of the criticism, the report says there were complaints about most aspects of the system, including automatic approval for certain ''complying developments'' and state environmental planning policies, called SEPPs, that are never debated in Parliament.
The affordable housing SEPP, allowing developers to build lower rental townhouses and flats in suburbs that would otherwise breach council rules is one such policy where residents and councils say they were not consulted and cannot get their views heard.
To restore confidence, the report recommends 40 changes making consultation a legal requirement and specifying who is consulted and how and what is involved.
The Department of Planning said it would work with the authors to produce an action plan to deal with issues raised.
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