A member emailed on Wednesday saying:
Just a snippet of information I heard on the radio yesterday from another concerned group. They have to carry out an environmental impact study on any property within 2kms of the mine. as I don't know where they intend to operate from, I don't know who this applies to.
I presume they were talking about the EIS that accompanies an application for a Mining Lease. After a company has done its exploration and decided it does want to mine, it first has to apply for a Mining Lease. As part of that application it has to do a full EIS (and this process can sometimes take a year or more). However the community may not know about all this until the final stage when the EIS then is put on public display for comment. When the EIS is put on public dispay the community usually has 28 days make comments (point out faults/omissions in the EIS). This can be pretty difficult for Mr & Mrs Jo Public as the EIS can be several volumes and very complex.
In our situation - the Inglenook Project - the company is still in the exploration phase as it was an Exploration License that was granted. We can apply to find out what are the conditions of the licence. We will keep you posted.
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