June 25, 2010

Longwall mine plan a threat to water supply

SYDNEY'S drinking water supply in and around the historic Cataract Dam is about to be undercut by multistorey longwall coalmines, in a case that will test the NSW Government's willingness to apply its own environmental guidelines.
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Mine plan shows BioBanking fails, say green groups

THE state's first BioBanking site, unveiled last month by the state government, is set to be undermined by a BHP Billiton coalmine that could cause the ground to crack and subside.
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One man approves his own project, another man's dream dies

In a valley near Lithgow, moments down the track from the Gardens of Stone National Park, John Munzer once brought his son to his father's farm and taught him to shoot rabbits in the rich pastures and catch yabbies in the creek.
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June 21, 2010

Running Stream residents step up fight to save water

Nationals candidate for Hunter Michael Johnsen, Running Stream Water Users Association (RSWUA) president Jolieske Lips, Member for Parkes Mark Coulton and RSWUA member Nell Schofield and vice-president Peter Docker overlooking the Capertee Valley.

“It’s time for us all to pull up and take a look at where we’re going and think about what kind of a place this will be in 200 years time” Member for Parkes Mark Coulton told a public meeting in the Running Stream Hall on Friday, June 11.

Mr Coulton was speaking to local farmers and landowners who are concerned about the loss of spring water that could occur if proposed coal mining in the area goes ahead.

Before the meeting, members of the Running Stream Water Users’ Association (RSWUA) Committee took Mr Coulton on a drive along Mt Vincent Road, with a detour along Vulcan Road to see the vistas across the Capertee Valley.

Cobbora Mine

Water cuts predicted to meet demand from Cobbora mine

21 Jun, 2010 10:36 AM
The committee concerned with sharing water in the Macquarie and Cudgegong valleys is concerned about the effect the Cobbora Mine will have on all water users in the Cudgegong area.

June 16, 2010

Two more Mudgee Guardian articles

Moolarben milestone

14 Jun, 2010 10:13 AM

The first in a series of payments from Moolarben Coal to the Mid-Western shire was made on Friday with the council benefiting from the start of coal production at the mine.

New routes proposed to by-pass long coal trains in Mudgee

14 Jun, 2010 10:22 AM

New routes out of Mudgee and Rylstone to ensure emergency services vehicles will not be delayed by long coal trains from the Cobbora mine would cost council an estimated $1.3 million, according to a report to be presented to Mid-Western Regional Council on Wednesday.

June 10, 2010

Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton to visit Running Stream.

Following their meeting with the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Water Resources and Conservation in Orange last month, the Running Stream Water Users’ Association will be taking Federal Member Mark Coulton on a guided tour of the Running Stream/Mt Vincent area tomorrow.

Mr Coulton accepted an invitation to see for his own eyes what a magnificent natural asset this area is and to listen to the concerns of residents about proposed coal mining.

At 1pm Friday 11th June a general meeting will be held in the Running Stream Hall where Mr Coulton will address the public and introduce the National Party candidate for Hunter, Michael Johnsen.

Interestingly, the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of Parkes, Hunter and Calare all now converge around this geographically significant area, making it a flashpoint for political issues such as mining.

The weather forecast looks promising for Committee members to show Mr Coulton and Mr Johnsen the sweeping panoramas afforded from the top of Mt Vincent. This spectacular landscape on the Great Dividing Range is currently under threat from mining, as is the unique aquifer system on which locals have relied for generations.

Coal mining may offer short term financial gains but the legacy of such industry is the loss and contamination of precious water resources, negative health issues and loss of long term sustainable livelihoods.

As Secretary for the Running Stream Water Users’ Association Jolieske Lips remarked; “We don’t want to be another Hunter Valley!”.

June 2, 2010

More Mudgee Guardian articles

Residents muted, divided, in tears

02 Jun, 2010 10:13 AM

The Wollar community has been fractured by the noise of Wilpinjong and the silence it imposes on the town.

Many who are selling their properties to the mine and leaving the noise-affected area are unwilling to speak publicly about their situation for fear of jeopardising the sale.Others who are waiting and hoping for an offer are also keeping quiet, to preserve a positive relationship with their only possible purchaser.
One resident said people in Wollar had been “muted” by their fear of losing their last chance to sell and start a new life.

Wollar residents unimpressed about noise outcome

02 Jun, 2010 10:30 AM

Wilpinjong Coal Mine introduced its expansion plans to a public meeting of Wollar residents clearly unimpressed by the promise that existing noise levels would not be exceeded - but would not fall.

The mine is currently approved to remove 13 million tonnes of coal annually for the next 17 years, but Wilpinjong is applying to push that figure to 15 million tonnes for coming years before dropping to achieve the same yearly average by the end of the mine’s life.

Moolarben mine ‘regrets’ water pollution

02 Jun, 2010 10:38 AM

Moolarben Coal has stated that it “deeply regrets” events that have led to a Land and Environment Court action by the Department of Environment Climate Change and Water (DECCW).
DECCW last week confirmed that it had begun proceedings against Moolarben Coal Operations Pty Ltd for the alleged pollution of Bora Creek and the Goulburn River last year.

Bringing mining into the water reform fold

Media release - 28 May
Waterlines: mining report coverThe National Water Commission today called for mining activities to be incorporated into water access and planning frameworks that are compliant with the National Water Initiative.
Releasing a major report and position statement on mining and water issues, Commission CEO Ken Matthews said, 'The National Water Commission takes the view that mining activities should operate under the same rules as other water users.